Next Generation Sequencing (Illumina NextSeq 500)
The NextSeq 500 Sequencing System delivers the power of high-throughput sequencing with the speed, simplicity, and affordability of a desktop NGS system. The fast, integrated, sample-to-results workflow enables many sequencing applications including exomes, whole genomes, and transcriptomes in a single run. The NextSeq 500 System uses the proven reversible-terminator sequencing by synthesis (SBS) technology used by all Illumina NGS systems, with recent innovations reducing cycle and data processing times. This is the only desktop NGS system capable of sequencing a whole human genome at high coverage (30×) in one run. It also delivers one-day turnaround for a number of popular sequencing applications
- Whole genome sequencing
- Whole Exome sequencing
- Transcriptome (RNA) sequencing
- Methylation / Epigenetic analysis at Whole genome level
- CHIP sequencing
- Targeted sequencing
Pyro-Sequencing (QIAGEN- PyroMark Q24)
The PyroMark Q24 uses Pyrosequencing technology for real-time, sequence-based detection and quantification of sequence variants and epigenetic methylation. The PyroMark Q24 is highly suited for the analysis of CpG methylation, SNPs, insertion/deletions, STRs, variable gene copy number, as well as for microbial identification and resistance typing.
- Analysis of CpG methylation
- SNP Analysis
- Analysis of insertion/deletions
Sanger’s sequencing (ABI-3130 Genetic Analyzer)
Sanger DNA sequencing is carried out on an Applied Biosystems 3130 Genetic Analyser, which utilises a 4 capillary array. Each reaction potentially gives up to 700 nucleotides of sequence from high quality templates.
- DNA fragment sequencing
- SNP detection
- Mutation detection